Monday, November 30, 2009

Four Years

Well it was four years ago today that I was hired as a flight attendant. Man these four years have gone by so fast. Though there may be somethings I wish were different in my life (like being married. :) ) I wouldn't change the last four years for anything.
I love being a flight attendant and hope to do it for a while longer yet. I'm not readying to give up flying. I love what I do.
In the last four years I've grown alot and become more of my own person and learned to leave my shell a bit. It's funny to think that when I first started alot of people I know jaws hit the floor when they found out that I was a flight attendant. Yet if you ask some of my coworkers and passengers they'll tell you their jaws hit the floor to find out how shy I was growing up.
Then again I'm more outgoing at work then when I'm not. But I guess there are some things that don't totally change. But then again I'm more outgoing out of work than I used to be.
I've learned more about life and myself in the last four years and met incredible people that have impacted my life for the better good forever. I've been able to see and go places I'd never been able to if I was doing what I am now. And because of the experinces I've been able to have I've learned to be happier, healthier, and better all around.
So here is to four years and how many more to come!


sanunai said... had a best experience so far...good day!

Becca Jane said...

What a great post! It's always interesting to see how we change and grow as time goes by.
The Lord truly has a plan for us, and He leads us on amazing paths if we let Him take over!! I have learned that lesson over and over in my life!