Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's never going to change

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm happy for all the friends I have that have found that special someone and fallen in love. But for me it's never going to happen. Oh why can't I just be happy and let it be?! Instead I feel a mixture of happiness and bitterness.
I'm forever going to be single. It's never going to change, and it's frustrating. I had a long talk with a friend last night and while it helped and I understood some things better, it doesn't change compeletly how I feel.
I can never get past just being friends with a guy and it drives me insain! I am so sick and tired of just being friends. I want something more! And it's hard that I feel and fear that it just wont happen for me.
Since I'll probably be alone for the rest of my life I might as well be happy with it. And deal with it the best I know how.

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