Friday, October 14, 2011

Good news, bad news

It's been a ripple effect week. I have a couple of friends that have had a pretty hard time. One friend had a son who was dianogised with a brain tumor, which good news was beninge and can be removed. Another friend had a child die. Her daughter was only 15 months old but was born with health problems. In following her blog I had grown to love this baby and her family and my heart is truly broken for their loss.
Strange how one life, even a life of someone you have never met can touch you and others so much like the life of this little child. All she had to endure and still to be as strong and give strength to others is amazing. She's at peace now which I'm grateful for. But still for some reason I feel a bit depressed about her passing and when I saw a picture of her father holding her after she passed I sat there and cried.
I don't have kids so I can't imagine what it is like to loss a child. It's a loss I hope I never have to endure. This little baby touched so many lives and will be missed. Ny heart and prayers go out to her family.

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