Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Okay not really. But I will say that I had a lesson given to me today. I am having to stay the night in the Phoenix airport tonight cause my car is still in the shop. And I have to be back at work tomorrow morning and no transportation. Yesterday I took a taxi to work but it was 35 dollars! But here was the lesson. Here I am stressing about my car situaration and then this afternoon I learn that my brother down in Georgia just lost his job. At least I still have mine. I'm not having to look for work and possibly move. I'm thankful for that. Also last month his car broke down as well. Just goes to show to count your blessings. But Brandon is amazing here he is going through a tough time as well and he's handling it way better than I'm handling my trails. Just one of the many reason I admire and respect and deeply love my brother!


Libby said...

I love you Cara!

Becca Jane said...

Hey, I didn't know you had a blog...fun!!