Monday, March 15, 2010

Don't know what I really feel

In the last month I've had several good friends get engaged. And while deep down I;m happy for them I also don't know what I really feel. And with the last one I found out about I found out through the grapevine, just hurt that he didn't tell me. I'll be in town (Virginia) next weekend and you know what I really don't want to tell him I'll be there. When I congraduated him he said thank you and I was awesome. Well if he thinks I'm awesome then why couldn't he just have told me that he is engaged. Makes me mad. I mean I care about the guy as a friend and want him to be happy. Yes in the past I had rather strong feelings for him, but that was in the past. I mean we're talking about over two years ago. I'm over him and have been for a long while now.
With the other friends that have gotten engaged I more or less wish I could just be happy for them without being jealous.
Though in truth I'm happy for all of my friends who just got engaged and wish them all the joy, love and happiness life offers.

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