Friday, August 6, 2010


I fly for a living almost every day. Normally on my days off I'm no where near an airport or plane. But today I'm on my way to Virginia for a couple days for a friend's wedding. Then on Sunday it's off to Oregon for a couple days and my birthday on Wednesday. Then Thursday it's back home and Friday back to work.
I like my job I really do, but there are days, like yesterday, that make me wonder why I ever became a flight attendant.
I've asked myself that question every now and then and lately it seems to be a question I ask more often.
Honest, being a filght attendant wasn't my dream or goal. It wasn't even in my plans.However, when my dreams, goals and plans fell through my mom suggested that I look into being a flight attendant.
At first I did it all for her. I was so so about it. But the more I got into it the more I became interested and it started to be more for me.
Why I'm a flight attendant now (almost five years later)
* I love traveling.
* I love meeting new people
* I love working with different kinds of people
* No matter how many times you go somewhere or work with someone it's never the same. Every flight is different.
* I love the veriality

Sometimes though when things like mother nature turn against you it's hard to remember the things you love about your job. But those that I listed are the main reasons why I'm a flight attendant and why I still am today.

1 comment:

Becca Jane said...

I loved this post! It's funny how life works out differently than we plan sometimes!

We're flying to nashville in a few weeks and I'm already nervous, haha!