Sunday, May 24, 2009

Night Hike

I went on what was suppose to be a scare night hike but the scare thing didn't really happen. I'll tell I'm so sore! It was about 10 miles I felt like a dork cause I'm so not in shape and everyone waited on me to get up the hill. I'll tell it made me wish I wasn't there. I finally made it up and as soon I started down the other side I fell pretty hard. But I survived and contineued on. On the way back to the cars I twisted my ankle more than once and I fell once again. To be honest I didn't have all that great of a time. My back hurts, my legs hurt, my ankle hurts, my hands hurt and my ribs hurt. The first fall I landed on my rear and the second on on my front side. I was jumping over a ditch the second time and landed front first into sticky patches. It was nice to hang out with a bunch of people and get to know them better. That's the only plus. I'll probably won't go on another night hike.

1 comment:

Libby said...

That doesn't sound like a fun hike. I twisted my ankle, and it isn't fun to be in pain. Sorry