Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sometimes being Mormon is hard

Tonight for the second time since working in the airlines I've had the realization that it can sometimes be tough to be Mormon slap me in the face. Two in a half years ago the flight attendant I was working with and I were going to go to the mall on our over night. Instead she decided to go drinking with the pilots. Tonight the other flight attendant, myself and the first officer and myself went out to eat for his birthday. Then the flight attendant and I were going to go down town. Instead even though they just had been drinking some at the resturant they decided to go back to the hotel and drink some more. Granted both times I declined the offer to drink and told the flight attendants to go ahead if they wanted to drink instead. I didn't want them to do something they didn't want to do cause of me. And both times they choose to drink and I was left out. I don't regret my choose in not going with them and in reality I love being a Mormon and wouldn't want to be without the church. But it hurts to be left behind. It really sucks. And both times for a few moments I wished that I wasn't Mormon. Sometimes it's hard to be Mormon.


Allanna said...


But just remember that it's worth it.

And, you'll be happier NOT having the chance to find out that you're an alcoholic (says the girl with alcoholism in her family history. Thank goodness for the Gospel. At least in my case. ^_^)

I'm sorry, though, that your coworkers couldn't be creative enough to find something else that you all could do together.
(Is it just me ... or does it seem that people who drink just aren't that creative when it comes to doing things that are fun?)

Libby said...

I hate being lonely too! Drinking does weird things to people. Congrats on being really strong during a touch time. Love ya!

Libby said...


Unknown said...

I know this feeling all to well. I joined the church 5 months ago and I am 30. I drank and used recreational drugs like pot and the friends I had before finding the gospel were all partiers and that was the ossociation that we had as a group. Now that I have chosen to grab hold of the rod of iron I am left alone to venture this path on my own.
About two weeks ago I felt strong enough to venture back torwards some of my closest friends in hopes of being an example but quickly found although they are proud of me for chosing to better myself they themselves are perfectly content with being miserable and stuck in the bondage of drinking and drugs. I've consulted my bishop several times on how to fellowship these friends and I'm finding for myself that probobly the safest course for me is to just stay away completely.. unfortuently... this leaves me uterly and literaly completely alone. On friday nights when everyone else is out "Eating, drinking and being marry" I'm stewing in my apartment alone pondering if I am making the right choices. Of course I am and I know it as true to myself as I know the book of mormon is the word of god. It's just HARD and we all know it. It's so tough to live in this world but NOT of the world. Our society is so corrupted and sin is everywhere, it's no wonder these truly are the last days. I think every single member can relate with you and myself in one way or another. When the outside world says it's ok that doesn't mean they are even close to being right. Hold fast to the rod, pray for strength and know who you are and where you are going and the lord will always provide and protect you. I know I will struggle and I know you will to but with the strength the lord the gospel and our leaders offer us we can all endure and recieve that gift of eternal life.!